Why set up a political party instead of running independent candidates?
The answer starts with a review of the existing legislation (Acts and Laws) in the Province of NB on elections, political financing and financial support for political parties. Most of these laws are geared around registered parties, not individuals or independents.
👉🏻A registered political party establishes legal status and credibility uniformly across the province and the 49 ridings.
👉🏻A registered political party will have media attention provincially to advance the aims and goals of a consensus governance structure.
👉🏻A registered political party is cost effective in keeping up with the paperwork required for the:
Elections Act
Transparency in Election Commitments Act
Political Process Financing Act

Establishing a new provincial party to advance the idea and need for a political system change is the only credible way to offer a clear choice alternative to the established and ingrained centralized political party system in New Brunswick.

How many Ridings are in New Brunswick?
There are 49 Ridings in the Province of New Brunswick.
They are called Electoral Districts

These will be the boundaries for the next provincial election expected by October 2024. Check to see which riding you now reside in.

Won’t you just be like any other political party?
No. The Consensus NB Party is like no other political party. It is established to end party politics and central party influence to promote a consensus model of decision making from the ground up. The purpose is to set up de-centralized independent riding offices in all 49 ridings in the province. It is NOT “the same old/same old” or “just another party”.

Every MLA would be equal in legislature:

Equal time to ask questions, —equal time to debate, —a vote of equal weight and importance with his/her peers, —equal chance of serving on important legislative committees, —equal opportunity to stand for election by the House as either a cabinet minister or as the Premier.

MLA’s will NOT have a party telling them how to vote or what is important, —only the people in their individual riding constituency does that.

What are the Consensus NB Party platform issues you would address if elected?
We believe the issues all New Brunswicker’s face are the direct result of historic systemic party politics and the limitations of the corrupted (like old computer programs used to get) legacy government system processes now in place.

The main platform issue for Consensus NB is to update the underlying governance system and renew the process of everybody being involved in our government’s decision making. De-centralizing MLAs to each riding by having them directly responsible to and answerable to their riding voters. MLA’s must publicly consult with constituents weekly and monthly and must vote as directed by their constituents on all legislative matters. MLA’s are duty bound to bring policy and issue decisions made by each riding back to the legislature and present those positions to their fellow MLA’s for discussion and consensus building.

Who ‘vets’ riding candidates who put forward their names to run in a provincial election?

Candidates are chosen by the people living in the riding.  They ‘vet’ the candidates and choose the one that they believe will best represent their interests in Fredericton. Should multiple candidates come forward, the only “party” stipulation is that the riding chooses one from among the multiple to be “the” candidate running in an election.  Party executive have no role in making that choice, the people in the riding make that determination.

What happens to candidates if the Consensus NB does not reach “Registered Party” status?

Candidates will register as “Independents” running under a ‘Consensus’ banner and work for their Ridings independently.