Candidates and Riding Staff

Understand that Consensus Governance means that an informed electorate is key to decision making. 

The political party systems of today are a collection of ideologies.  Each gather a group followers and exert their influence on the voting public. 

You may be surprised to learn that the two main political party’s in New Brunswick each have paying membership that range in the 30 thousands. That means that less than 80 thousand New Brunswicker’s influence and control the lives of the entire 850,000 population of New Brunswick!

Each party lists their guiding principles and the rules they agree to operate under, while the system of agreement is based on the Robert’s Rules of Order. Voting is by majority, and 50+1 % in favour carries all decision making.  So no matter which party is in office at any given time only 5% of the entire population of NB is formally influencing decision making that affects the other 95%. 
(And the voting model of 50+1% could split that 5% down to 2.6%. Think about that for a minute!)

Consensus decision making is different.  It is a creative and dynamic way of reaching agreement between all members of the community. Instead of simply voting for an item and having most of the group getting their way, a consensus group seeks solutions that everyone can actively support – or at least live with. 

Consensus decision making provides that all opinions, ideas, and concerns are considered. By listening closely to each other, Consensus NB aims to come up with proposals that work for everyone. 

Consensus is neither compromise nor unanimity – it aims to go further by weaving together everyone’s best ideas and most important concerns. In joining the Consensus NB Party, that working together, that listening together, that acting together, is what you are signing up for as a member, a candidate or Riding executive in your local area.  

We are looking for Candidates and the Local Riding Executives that are people persons.  The type of individuals who can generally view all sides of an issue, and seek to gather the most information and input from all segments of the resident population in the Riding.  You are facilitators interested in ensuring all voices are heard and understood on any given topic under discussion or review.  As such facilitators will not have personal or hidden agendas or ideologies to sway or drive public opinion, rather their role is informational and documenters, facilitating public meetings, engaging the local public in group gatherings ensuring as much as possible, all community voices are heard and considered.

Please fill out one of the forms below and tell us why you want to be a Riding candidate or be part of the Riding executive staff.