The message is simple. 

Either we continue with the same old party system of see/saw governments with the continued march to more centralization, privatization and top down corporate control, — or we support a decentralized bottom up locally driven initiative that puts power and decision-making back into citizens hands, with no parties, no party politics, no deceptions and no confusions pitting people against each other.


That is ‘the’ election decision Consensus NB presents to the voters of New Brunswick, asking for their participation and voting support. It must come from the bottom up with people involvement and a shared goal of changing the old system and levelling the playing field for ‘everyone’ to be successful. If we want a government that works FOR people, then PEOPLE have to work for it.


Today the government is paid for by corporations, and guided by lobbyists. The whole system is geared that way. They are getting what they pay for.


We have the opportunity to turn that around. The simple truth is we need YOU, the many people everywhere to commit to contributing .15 cents a day (.99 cents a week) in every riding. Each riding has a voice and every riding will get what WE pay for.  

It’s that simple.


 Political representation is expensive.
When we all chip in to pay for it ourselves we control that representation.

For the cost of one cup of coffee per month we can take back control of our government.
Less than .15 cents a day (just .99 cents a week)

Support Your Local Riding Office Activity

Give What You Can

At the present time we can accept e-Transfer Memberships and Donations to [email protected]

Please fill out the contact form below as required by Elections NB and NB law.

After submission, you must separately go to your banking app and e-transfer the funds following your banking procedures.  A separate email receipt and confirmation will be sent via our bank.

    This is our time, to put the people first. This is our time to work together and open doors of opportunity for our province; to restore hope and prosperity and offer real change; to reclaim real democracy, and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can’t, we will respond with a timeless echo that sums up the true spirit of New Brunswick: Yes, we can!

    The true strength of our province comes not from the powerful or the scale of their wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, fair play, caring for one another, opportunity and unyielding hope. We are not enemies but friends and neighbours.

    The legacy system we have laboured under divides us, constantly seeks to confuse and manipulate us, forces us to separate into blue or red, and the other colours, pitting English against French, French against English, rich against poor, poor against rich, we have forgotten we are all immigrants on lands that belong to others.

    The system we have laboured under is used to inflame baser emotions and passions pitting us against each other, seeks to distract us while it feeds off of our confusion. The years and decades has seen continual centralization and concentrations of power and wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer.

    The old system has clouded and distracted us from basic fairness, and forced us into accepting a greater and greater uneven playing field, dividing us, separating us from each other. Our parents and grandparents are forced into institutional warehouses, our children forced into institutional education that does not prepare them for the world they are about to live in.

    All the while the taxes and individual resources get sucked into the vacuum of an ever increasing government system that feeds on a larger and larger vacuum.

    Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. So let us summon a new spirit of hope, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.

    Thru every election there is a chance for us to make that change.

    “It can’t happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice. Let us summon a new spirit of Consensus, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.

    Let us summon a new spirit of searching and finding agreement in the things we have in common. We all have had the lessons of basic fairness growing up, and a belief in the idea of a level playing field from a young age. Let us work together to level the field where everyone can live and thrive.